
Visit our bridge app on Sepolia testnet or Mainnet to get started! The Bridge supports both Deposit and Withdraw operations, allowing users to trustlessly move assets from L1 to L2.

Deposit from Ethereum to Scroll


  1. After navigating to the bridge app, press the “Connect Wallet” button. You might need to switch your wallet to the right network.
  2. In the app, select the Deposit to Scroll tab.
  3. Select the token you want to transfer from the L1 network. If it’s your first time bridging, try “ETH.”
  4. If this is your first time transferring a specific ERC20 token, you must Approve the Sepolia or Ethereum Bridge contract to access your ERC20 token.
  5. Select your deposit mode. The Fast option initiates a bridge transfer immediately, while the Economy option groups multiple requests together and initiates a single bridge transfer for the batch, sharing the cost among all included requests.
  6. Next, slide the Deposit funds button to make the deposit. Your wallet will ask to confirm the transfer transaction.
  7. Once the transfer transaction is sent and confirmed, the token will be deducted from your wallet.
  8. You can always check the status of a transaction by pressing the “Transaction History” icon next to your wallet address in the top-right corner.

Withdraw from Scroll to Ethereum


Submitting your Initial Withdrawal Transaction

  1. First, select the Withdraw to Ethereum tab in the app. You might need to switch your wallet to the right network.
  2. Select the token you want to transfer, If it’s you’re first time bridging, try “ETH.”
  3. If this is your first time transferring a specific ERC20 token, you must Approve the Scroll Bridge contract to access your ERC20 token.
  4. Next, slide the Withdraw funds button to make the withdrawal. Your wallet will ask to confirm the transfer transaction.
  5. Once the transfer transaction is sent and confirmed, the token will be deducted from your wallet.

Submitting an Execute Withdrawal Transaction

The remaining steps happen on Scroll, but you first must wait for your transaction to be fully proven (“finalized”) on the L1 side. This process can take up to four hours.

  1. When your withdrawal transaction is completed finalizing on Sepolia or Ethereum, you will see the “Claim” button in the Recent Transactions area become solid.
  2. Click the “Claim” button to submit the Execute Withdrawal transaction.
  3. Once submitted, your withdrawn funds should appear immediately in your wallet.

When will the token arrive in your wallet?

The transferred token will arrive in your wallet immediately after the block containing your Execute Withdrawal transaction is confirmed.

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