Scroll Messenger Cross-chain Interaction

In this example, we will launch a dummy smart contract on either Sepolia or Scroll and interact with it from the opposite chain. We will be using the ScrollMessenger that is deployed on both Sepolia and Scroll.

Deploying the Contracts

Target Smart Contract

Let’s start by deploying the target smart contract. We will use the Greeter contract for this example, but you can use any other contract. Deploy it to either Sepolia or Scroll. On Scroll, L1 and L2 use the same API, so it’s up to you.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.16;
// This Greeter contract will be interacted with through the ScrollMessenger across the bridge
contract Greeter {
string public greeting = "Hello World!";
// This function will be called by executeFunctionCrosschain on the Operator Smart Contract
function setGreeting(string memory greeting_) public {
greeting = greeting_;

We will now execute setGreeting in a cross-chain way.

Operator Smart Contract

Switch to the other chain and deploy the GreeterOperator. So, if you deployed the Greeter contract on L1, deploy the GreeterOperator on L2 or vice versa.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.16;
// The Scroll Messenger interface is the same on both L1 and L2, it allows sending cross-chain transactions
// Let's import it directly from the Scroll Contracts library
import "@scroll-tech/contracts@0.1.0/libraries/IScrollMessenger.sol";
// The GreeterOperator is capable of executing the Greeter function through the bridge
contract GreeterOperator {
// This function will execute setGreeting on the Greeter contract
function executeFunctionCrosschain(
address scrollMessengerAddress,
address targetAddress,
uint256 value,
string memory greeting,
uint32 gasLimit
) public payable {
IScrollMessenger scrollMessenger = IScrollMessenger(scrollMessengerAddress);
// sendMessage is able to execute any function by encoding the abi using the encodeWithSignature function
scrollMessenger.sendMessage{ value: msg.value }(
abi.encodeWithSignature("setGreeting(string)", greeting),

Calling a Cross-chain Function

We pass the message by executing executeFunctionCrosschain and passing the following parameters:

  • scrollMessengerAddress: This will depend on where you deployed the GreeterOperator contract.
    • If you deployed it on Sepolia use 0x50c7d3e7f7c656493D1D76aaa1a836CedfCBB16A. If you deployed on Scroll Sepolia use 0xBa50f5340FB9F3Bd074bD638c9BE13eCB36E603d.
  • targetAddress: The address of the Greeter contract on the opposite chain.
  • value: In this case, it is 0 because the setGreetingis not payable.
  • greeting: This is the parameter that will be sent through the message. Try passing “This message was cross-chain!”
  • gasLimit:
    • If you are sending the message from L1 to L2, around 1000000 gas limit should be more than enough. That said, if you set this too high, and msg.value doesn’t cover gasLimit * baseFee, the transaction will revert. If msg.value is greater than the gas fee, the unused portion will be refunded.
    • If you are sending the message from L2 to L1, pass 0, as the transaction will be completed by executing an additional transaction on L1.

Relay the Message when sending from L2 to L1

When a transaction is passed from L2 to L1, an additional “execute withdrawal transaction” must be sent on L1. To do this, you must call relayMessageWithProof on the L1 Scroll Messenger contract from an EOA wallet.

You can do this directly on Etherscan Sepolia. To do so, you will need to pass a Merkle inclusion proof for the bridged transaction and other parameters. You’ll query these using the Scroll Bridge API.

We’re finalizing the API specifics, but for now, fetch or curl the following endpoint:

curl ""

Replace GREETER_OPERATOR_ADDRESS_ON_L2 with your GreeterOperator contract address as launched on L2. Read more about Execute Withdraw transactions in the Scroll Messenger article.

After executing and confirming the transaction on both L1 and L2, the new state of greeting on the Greeter contract should be “This message was cross-chain!”. Sending a message from one chain to the other should take around 20 minutes after the transactions are confirmed on the origin chain.

Congratulations, you now executed a transaction from one chain to the other using our native bridge!

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