Developer Quickstart

With Scroll, your favorite tools for building and testing smart contracts just work.

Since Scroll is bytecode equivalent with the EVM, you’ll just need to point your favorite builder tools at a Scroll RPC Provider.

If you run into any issues, please reach out in our Discord.

Acquiring Ether

Scroll uses ETH as its native currency, which will be needed to pay transaction fees for deploying and interacting with the network.

To start building on Scroll, we suggest you begin with using our Scroll Sepolia testnet. You’ll first need to acquire some testnet ETH. See the Faucet page for tips on getting test tokens on Sepolia. After this, you can bridge your testnet ETH to the Scroll Sepolia Testnet (Layer 2) using our Sepolia Bridge, as described in the Bridge article.

For a walkthrough, start with the User Guide’s Setup page.

Once you’re ready to deploy on Scroll’s mainnet, you can bridge over ETH using our native bridge or one of the 3rd-party bridges.

Network Configuration

Scroll Mainnet

Use the table below to configure your Ethereum tools to the Scroll mainnet.

Network NameScrollEthereum Mainnet
Chain ID5343521
Currency SymbolETHETH
Block Explorer URL
Additional Scroll Mainnet RPCs and Infra

Scroll Sepolia Testnet

Use the table below to configure your Ethereum tools to the Scroll Sepolia Testnet.

Network NameScroll SepoliaEthereum Sepolia
Chain ID53435111155111
Currency SymbolETHETH
Block Explorer URLhttps://sepolia.scrollscan.com
Additional Scroll Sepolia RPCs and Infra

Configure your tooling


Modify your Hardhat config file hardhat.config.ts to point at the Scroll Sepolia Testnet public RPC.

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
networks: {
scrollSepolia: {
url: "" || "",
process.env.PRIVATE_KEY !== undefined ? [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY] : [],


To deploy using the Scroll Sepolia Testnet Public RPC, run:

forge create ... --rpc-url=

Remix Web IDE

After compiling your contracts, the easiest way to deploy using Remix is by setting up Metamask, then selecting the Scroll Sepolia Testnet network.


Now, in the “Deploy and Run Transactions” tab, use the “Environment” drop-down and select “Injected Provider - MetaMask.”


Connect your wallet and select the Scroll Sepolia Testnet. Your account should be selected automatically in Remix, and you can click “Deploy.”


Assuming you already have a Truffle environment setup, go to the Truffle configuration file, truffle.js. Make sure to have installed HDWalletProvider: npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider@1.4.0

const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider")
module.exports = {
networks: {
scrollSepolia: {
provider: () =>
new HDWalletProvider(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, ""),
network_id: '*',


To add the Scroll Sepolia Testnet, run the following command:

brownie networks add Ethereum scrollSepolia host= chainid=534351

To set this as your default network, add the following in your project config file:

default: scrollSepolia

Another way to add the Scroll Sepolia Testnet is to create a yaml file and run a command to add it.

This is an example of a yaml file called network-config.yaml

- name: Ethereum
- chainid: 534351
id: scrollSepolia
name: Scroll Sepolia Testnet

To add the Scroll Sepolia Testnet to the network list, run the following command:

brownie networks import ./network-config.yaml

To deploy on Scroll, run the following command. In this example, is the script to deploy the smart contract. Replace this with the name of your script:

brownie run --network scrollSepolia


Setting up a Scroll Sepolia Testnet provider in an ethers script:

import { ethers } from "ethers"
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("")


To deploy using Scaffold-eth, you’ll need to point both your Hardhat and React settings at the Scroll Sepolia Testnet.

Configure Hardhat

In the packages/hardhat/hardhat.config.js file, you’ll add the network and select it as the default network.

// Select the network you want to deploy to here:
const defaultNetwork = "scrollSepolia";
module.exports = {
networks: {
scrollSepolia: {
url: "",
accounts: {
mnemonic: mnemonic(),

Be sure to fund the deployment wallet as well! Run yarn generate to create the wallet and yarn account to check its funds. Once funded, run yarn deploy --network scrollSepolia to deploy on the Scroll Sepolia testnet.

Configure the Frontend

To configure your frontend, you need to add the Scroll Sepolia Testnet as a network option, then select it as default.

To add the network, modify packages/react-app/src/constants.js.

export const NETWORKS = {
scrollSepolia: {
name: "scrollSepolia",
color: "#e9d0b8",
chainId: 534351,
rpcUrl: "",
blockExplorer: "",

Next, in packages/react-app/src/App.jsx modify

/// 📡 What chain are your contracts deployed to?
const initialNetwork = NETWORKS.scrollSepolia;

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